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Government Associate East College, Chobara, District Layyah



Nestled in the vast expanse of the Thal desert, the city of Chobara stands as an oasis, rich in ancient history and cultural heritage. In June 1998, this oasis saw the emergence of a new landmark: Government Degree College Chobara. As the tehsil headquarters of Layyah district, the college has become a beacon of learning and education in the region.

The college’s journey began in a dispensary managed under the auspices of the District Council of Layyah. The esteemed Mr. Prof. Syed Agha Hussain Shah Sahib had the honor of being the first Principal, appointed from Government College Layyah. With the assistance of a dedicated group of teachers and the personal efforts of the MPA and higher circles, the college has now acquired approximately 130 acres of land. On this land stands a grand college building, a testament to the institution’s growth and commitment to education.

Each subject is taught by expert teachers, with some science subjects having the privilege of two professors to guide students. Initially, the college faced challenges in conducting FSC classes due to a lack of staff and laboratory facilities. However, these obstacles have since been overcome. Students now have access to the best science education, facilitated by qualified and experienced teachers and laboratories equipped with modern practical equipment. Since 2013, the college has also introduced BSc classes, greatly enhancing the accessibility of scientific knowledge for local students. This expansion marks another significant stride taken by the college administration in fostering academic excellence.

Apply for Fall 2019

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Apply for Scholarship

Sollicitudirem sem quibibendum auci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elituis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus equat ipsutis gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquetn.

Principal's Message


Knowledge is a treasure that endures forever. History has consistently shown that civilizations which have embraced knowledge as their guiding light have led the world. This natural law has been true since time immemorial and will continue to be so. The ancient Greek civilization, with luminaries like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, conquered the world with its rich knowledge and literature. Following in their footsteps were the Roman and Persian civilizations, also known for their contributions to knowledge and literature. In the 21st century, Europe continues to advance the world through its commitment to knowledge.

In an era where time waits for no one, those who evolve with the changing times emerge as leaders. We live in an age dominated by science and technology. Recognizing this, the small and previously overlooked area of Layyah in Pakistan has been elevated to the status of a tehsil. In Chobara, now proudly part of Tehsil Chobara, there is a growing focus on science education. At Government Degree College Chobara, we are committed to keeping pace with the times, embracing new changes every day. Our mission is to provide our students with modern education in science right here in their hometown. This ensures that even those who cannot afford to study in larger cities like Layyah or Lahore have access to quality education equipped with modern facilities and management right here in Tehsil Chobara.

Government Degree College Chobara is not just an institution; it is a beacon of hope for the region. We strive to offer educational facilities on par with those in Layyah district and Lahore. We have made significant progress in this endeavor and continue to strive for excellence. Join us in our journey to uplift the educational standards of our region and contribute to a future where we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the leading educational hubs of our time. Together, we can overcome educational challenges and march forward in this era of science and technology.

May God be your supporter and helper!


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Our vision

• Quality education
• Develop students’ understanding of the world
• Create a logical approach through skills and tools
• Develop confidence in their abilities
• Persuading truth, knowledge, and implementation.

Our Mission

• Standard of excellent teaching
• Effective learning environment
• Create a logical approach through skills and tools
• Quality of applied research
• Outstanding community services

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